
Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Pantai Parangtritis

Parangtritis Beach is located 27 km south of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transport operation until at 17:00, as well as private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs behind the beach Gembirawati this. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, south sea, down to the horizon.

Pssst, YogYES will tell you a secret. Not many people know that on the east cliff is hidden a ruined temple. Unlike the other temples located in a mountainous area, Temple Gembirawati only a few hundred meters from the lip Parangtritis. To reach this temple, we can pass the ramp near the Hotel Queen of the South and then go down the path to the west about 100 meters. The faint roar of the ferocious waves of the sea could be heard south of this temple.
Parangtritis very closely with the legendary Queen of South. Many people believe that Java is Parangtritis magical kingdom Queen of South gate which controls the southern ocean. Hotel Queen of the South is a luxurious resort that is named according to this legend. Unfortunately the resort is now open but rarely used to have a view that could make us breathless.Romantic sunset in Parangtritis

When the sun is inclined to the west and the weather is sunny, it was time to have fun. Although visitors are prohibited from swimming, Parangtritis not lack the means to having fun. On the beach there are renting ATVs (All-terrain Vechile), the tariff is around Rp. 50000-100000 per half hour. Enter his gear and then release the clutch while pulling the gas. Brrrrooom, four-wheeled all-terrain bike will be raced take you across the sand dune beach.
Well, ATVs may only be suitable for those who are more adventurous. Another option is the gig. Sand down the surface of a smooth wave washed with two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage is no less enjoyable. Hansom will bring us to the east end of the cluster of coral Parangtritis place so beautiful that spot is often used as a pre-wedding photo shoot. The dim twilight and shadow golden sun on the water surface more and evoke a romantic atmosphere.
Parangtritis also offer excitement for those who travel with family. Kite-flying with your baby is equally enjoyable. Strong sea breeze which is very helpful to make a kite flying high, even if you have never played a kite though.
Still reluctant to go home even though the sun had set? Soon some roasted corn sellers will hold a mat on the beach, we could hang out there until late at night. Still did not want to go home? Do not worry, Parangtritis available at dozens of flights and accommodation at an affordable price


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Jalan Malioboro adalah nama salah satu jalan dari tiga jalan di Kota Yogyakarta yang membentang dari Tugu Yogyakarta hingga ke perempatan Kantor Pos Yogyakarta. Secara keseluruhan terdiri dari Jalan Pangeran Mangkubumi, Jalan Malioboro dan Jalan Jend. A. Yani. Jalan ini merupakan poros Garis Imajiner Kraton Yogyakarta.

Terdapat beberapa obyek bersejarah di kawasan tiga jalan ini antara lain Tugu Yogyakarta, Stasiun Tugu, Gedung Agung, Pasar Beringharjo, Benteng Vredeburg dan Monumen Serangan Oemoem 1 Maret.
Jalan Malioboro sangat terkenal dengan para pedagang kaki lima yang menjajakan kerajinan khas jogja dan warung-warung lesehan di malam hari yang menjual makanan gudeg khas jogja serta terkenal sebagai tempat berkumpulnya para Seniman-seniman-seniman yang sering mengekpresikan kemampuan mereka seperti bermain musik, melukis, hapening art, pantomim dan lain-lain disepanjang jalan ini.

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Pulo Cemeti

 Trips to the Castle was very enjoyable, we can see such a beautiful water garden. Beiu exotic ornaments that we will be able to feast their eyes of history. But unfortunately if we do not stop by to visit Pulo Cemeti. For the layman as possible when we first heard the name of Pulo Cemeti maybe we'll menyimpulakan a small island called Cemeti. But they are not. There exotic artifacts named Gedhong Kenongo building or guesthouse Island whip. Pulo whip is a cultural heritage building located behind the former Ngasem market. The building is very sturdy and very high, Hiran not a lot of tourists to this place compaction spent jamhanya to see the beauty of the city and watch the sunrise and sunset and the splendor of Kraton Yogyakarta. This place was once used as guest country where the king and the rest. The building was built by Sri Sultan HB I Giyanti after the agreement, the building also serves as a bulwark for the lurking enemy. This is possible because the enemy attack could come at any time. From the rooftop we could see some stretch of the city of Yogyakarta is so very clear. Building materials are also similar to other banguna around the palace is a mixture of red brick, soil and sand to make the walls of this building. This wall is also very thick, it functioned as a barrier to the construction of buildings also withstand enemy attacks. The building is supposedly made with a form letter H. However, due to the growth in time this building was standing lengthwise only. 

At the front and rear of the building there are two gates that have a typical ornament is with relief images of trees and birds tendrils. These ornaments symbolized the inauguration of its manufacture in 1765 AD. This building is very unique because it has a good architecture, that is a blend of European style architecture and Java. This Kenongo Gedhung reputedly used to have two floors that serves as a staging gamelan and banquet on the floor only, while the the second floor is used for the rest of the Sultan. This place is still in active use until duluunya Sultan HB III. This place was built a package with the Castle. So berwisisata to Yogyakarta is a very tourist menawaran atraktiv once because so many attractions-laden culture, arts, religious, educational and many others who have a positive value.

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Letak Geografis jogjakarta

Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta adalah Daerah Istimewa setingkat Provinsi di Indonesia yang meliputi
[Negara] Kesultanan Yogyakarta dan [Negara] Kadipaten Paku Alaman. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang terletak di bagian selatan Pulau Jawa bagian tengah dan berbatasan dengan Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Samudera Hindia. Daerah Istimewa yang memiliki luas 3.185,80 km2 ini terdiri atas satu kota dan empat kabupaten, yang terbagi lagi menjadi 78 kecamatan dan 438 desa/kelurahan. Menurut sensus penduduk 2010 memiliki jumlah penduduk 3.452.390 jiwa dengan proporsi 1.705.404 laki-laki dan 1.746.986 perempuan, serta memiliki kepadatan penduduk sebesar 1.084 jiwa per km2[5].
Penyebutan nomenklatur Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang terlalu panjang menyebabkan sering terjadinya penyingkatan nomenkaltur menjadi DI Yogyakarta atau DIY. Daerah Istimewa ini sering diidentikkan dengan kota Yogyakarta sehingga secara kurang tepat disebut dengan Jogja, Yogya, Yogyakarta, Jogjakarta. Walaupun memiliki luas terkecil kedua setelah Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Daerah Istimewa ini terkenal di tingkat nasional dan internasional. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menjadi tempat tujuan wisata andalan setelah Provinsi Bali. Selain itu Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menjadi daerah terparah akibat bencana gempa pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 dan erupsi Gunung Merapi pada medio Oktober-November 2010.

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